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Students who attend the Parent-Teacher Co-op must practice good Christian behaviors and habits. Students who have been expelled from traditional schools will not be allowed to join the Co-op for at least one year, and then only at the discretion of the PTC staff.  As Christians, our goal should be to obey scripture and, whether in word or deed, to do all to the glory of God.  Since the ultimate end of all Bible-centered education is to grow in wisdom and virtue, we require all students to exhibit the following minimal personal virtues:

  • Kindness, truthfulness, courtesy toward others and respect for all property rights, punctuality in attendance and work, respect for and obedience to those in authority, diligence in effort and attention, moral purity in word and deed including abstinence from drugs, alcohol & sexual activities in all areas of life.



  • Students & parents who stay during the lunch break may bring their own sack lunches.  There will be a designated room for lunch.   No hot lunch will be provided.   Students may not leave the premises during lunch, unless under direct supervision of a parent on premise. Students may not be in the parking lot or in cars except for arrival or departure.
  • Students should be picked up promptly after their classes are finished and should not be dropped off more than ten minutes before their first class.  If the child is 4th grade or younger, the parent must be with him/her in study hall.   If a student is not in a class, they must be in the supervised study hall. 
  • Cell phones must be put away, silenced and only used for emergency purposes and not during class time. All Mp3 players, I-Pods, CD players and hand-held games are allowed only during study hall.
  • If weather conditions warrant canceling classes an email will be sent to all families by 7:00 am.  It will also be announced on WOOD radio and TV under Banner of Christ Church.  In case of tornado warning, students will be moved to a safe location.  Parents are welcome to pick up their students, but it is not necessary.



DRESS CODE: For all students & student visitors: as Christians, we have a responsibility to create an atmosphere that encourages academic excellence and upholds an excellent testimony to others. Student appearance should be modest and in good taste so as not to offend or draw undue attention to oneself. The goal of PTC's dress code is to allow students to express their individuality while feeling good about themselves and respecting others and the congregation meeting at Banner Church. Therefore, the following dress code has been established:

PTC’s dress code for all students.


  • Colored pants (not tight fitting) and jeans that are not faded or torn.
  • Knee length shorts
  • Females only - knee length skirts & dresses (you may wear leggings under these)
  • Tops with words & pictures (must not be offensive)
  • Jewelry/Accessories:
    • Watches
    • Females only - makeup, jewelry, ear piercing


  • Jeans that are faded or torn (even if you have leggings underneath).
  • Sweat pants
  • Leggings (unless you're a female wearing a knee length skirt or dress)
  • Tops with offensive words or pictures
  • Tank tops for boys, spaghetti straps for girls
  • Exposed underclothing
  • Tops with low necklines, low cut backs, bare midriffs, see through/sheer, tight fitting
  • Hats for boys or girls
  • Jewelry/Accessories:
    • Visible body piercings (except girls' ears)
    • Visible tattoos
    • Extreme clothing
    • Males should not wear makeup, jewelry, or hats

All girls are to dress like young ladies and boys are to dress as young men.

Disciplinary Action to be taken for failure to comply with the above dress code:

1) First two weeks of classes, warnings will be given.

2) Beginning third week of classes, violations will be documented.

3) After 3 documented violations it will be considered direct disobedience towards authority and will result in a suspension.

“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.” Philippians 4:5



Discipline - Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

1. Education; instruction; cultivation and improvement, comprehending instruction in arts, sciences, correct sentiments, morals and manners, and due subordination to authority.

2. Rule of government; method of regulating principles and practice; as the discipline prescribed for the church.

The Bible has much to say about discipline please see Proverbs 6:23. 13:18, and 3:12 for a few.

As an organized body, PTC desires to set forth clear expectations of behavior and punishments in order to honor our Lord with our actions.


  • Insubordination of any policies listed below will result in an infraction notice including suspension and or expulsion for the remainder of the school year or permanently.

  • The student will not be allowed to attend PTC related activities.

  • PTC tuition and fees will continue to be paid in full.

Acts Requiring Discipline:

Direct Disobedience

  • Intentionally disobeying a PTC authority figure. This includes, but is not limited to, staff, tutors, charge moms, volunteer moms, and security.

Leaving school premises 

  •  Students may not leave the premises during lunch, unless under direct supervision of an on site parent. Students may not be in the parking lot or in cars except for arrival or departure.


  • Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.

  • Abuse, mistreatment, intimidation, or domination of another individual by verbal, physical, emotional, and/or social means will not be tolerated.

Inappropriate Language 

  • Oxford Languages: “the use of language regarded as coarse, blasphemous, or otherwise unacceptable in polite or formal speech in order to express anger or other strong emotion.”

  • A student should not use inappropriate language in general conversation, with another student, a parent, tutor, or staff person.


  • This includes any recreational, prescription (not used in the manner intended) or illegal substance.

Violence / Simulation of Violence

  • Any act of violence or simulation of violence that intends to frighten or harm others or oneself will not be tolerated.

  • This includes actually or pretending to harm others or oneself with any type of weapon or anything that can be used as a weapon.

Cheating, Artificail intelligence & Plagiarism 

  • Cheating from the Oxford Dictionary: To steal or use someone’s answers in order to gain an unfair advantage on a test, quiz, or homework assignment.

  • Plagiarism from the Oxford Dictionary: This is literacy theft. Taking someone else’s words, work, and ideas and passing them off as your own without giving the original author credit.

  • If it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that a student has cheated or plagiarized, the test, quiz, paper, or homework assignment will be returned with a zero (0). 

  • Use of artificial intelligence for homework is not the student’s work and considered to be cheating. It will be treated as so.

Intentional Destruction of Property

  • To intentionally cause damage or disrepair to another person’s or Banner of Christ Church’s property is strictly prohibited.

  • If it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt a student has intentionally caused damage or disrepair to someone else’s property, parents will be notified and a meeting will be set with the Board. At this meeting it will be determined if a monetary retribution will need to be made to the person(s) who incurred the damage.


  • Taking another person’s property, without the intention of returning it, is prohibited.


  • No smoking of any kind, this includes but is not limited to vaping, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, drugs and chewing tobacco.


  • No alcohol of any kind will be allowed on Banner of Christ Church's property.

Pornography/sexual abuse 

  • The use of pornography or any questionable material  at PTC will not be tolerated. 

  • Any type of sexual abuse; physical, emotional, verbal or any other form, will not be tolerated

Rev 9/2023

PTC is part of Home School Legal Defense.  If you would also like to become part HSLDA you can have a discounted rate by filling in our group number, 210019, on the application form. 

Please Note:   The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) has suggested that no more than three (3) core classes be taken outside the home.