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Graduation Information

  Graduation 2025 : Graduation Requirements
  1. Must have been home schooled for at least one year and a student at the PTC currently or in the past.
  2. Must submit a transcript of classes and grades for the high school grades. Graduates should have completed the basic requirements for the Michigan Merit graduation and minimum of 20 credits. Basic requirements for Michigan Merit graduation are: 4 years of English, 3 years of science, 3 years of social studies including government, 4 years of math with one in the senior year, 1 year of physical education, 1 year of art (applied, performing or visual), 1 year of computer and 2 years of foreign language. These requirements may be found at https://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/Complete_MMC_FAQ_August_2014_467323_7.pdf page 1.
  3. Must complete the graduation paperwork available online.
  4. Parent and student must attend graduation meetings and rehearsal.
  5. The cost of graduation will be covered by the graduate’s families. The cost of the diploma, cap and gown is separate. There will be two payments. In November you will pay for the cap, gown and diploma. In February you will pay for the ceremony.
  6. Must register for graduation by February meeting.


November 9th — first graduation meeting 3:35 pm at Banner of Christ Church. Graduation information must be filled out before this meeting
February 22nd — Second meeting at 3:35 pm at Banner of Christ Church
May 9th – Graduation rehearsal 3:35 pm at Banner of Christ Church
May 17th — Graduation 7 pm 

Important Information
The cost in past years has been $50/graduate for the ceremony + $46 for cap, gown, diploma, tassel is $7.00, diploma only is $27. The money for the cap/ gown and diploma is to be paid at the February meeting. Ceremony cost paid at the Feberuary meeting.

Every student is encouraged to be involved in the ceremony in some way.

Students will choose the speaker, class verse, class flower, and all music (this must be Christian music).

An in-process transcript must be emailed to [email protected] before the November meeting.

The following information must be emailed to [email protected] by March 29th:

  1. Information to be read when the diploma is presented:

Full name, son/ daughter of __________, has been home schooled for ____ years. He/she participated in ____________ during high school. He/ she has received _________________ awards. He/ she is planning on _______________ next year.

This information should be between 55 and 75 words.

  1. Information to put in the program will be very similar but more detailed: Full name, son/ daughter of __________, has been home schooled for ____ years. He/she participated in ____________ during high school. He/ she has received _________________ awards. He/ she is planning on _______________ next year.

The information should be between 90 and 120 words. This can be amended before May 11th.

  1. Email the folowing pictures to the student in charge of the power point by March 29th: one infant picture, one family picture, one senior picture, and three other pictures of the graduate for use in power point. Email a close up senior picture for use in the program to the student in charge of designing the program.