Parent Responsibility
I understand that the following responsibilities are mine as a parent using the Parent-Teacher Co-op Tutoring program:
1. I understand I have a God-given responsibility to provide for the education of my child.
2. I understand I will oversee my child’s education and make myself available to further the process of my child’s education with the Parent-Teacher Co-op.
3. I understand I will see that my child’s homework is completed each week prior to class. I will do this by asking to see the completed work and checking it.
3.a I understand that if my child is meeting virtually they will engage and use their video screen so that teachers are not teaching to a blank screen.
4. I understand that I am to be in the presence of my child when he takes a test and will sign each test indicating so.
5. I understand that correspondence will be sent home, and I am responsible to check it so I can be informed.
6. I understand that in the contract with the teachers, they make themselves available by phone or e-mail for extra assistance. It is my responsibility to see that the contact is made before Wednesday of that week.
7. I understand that it is my responsibility to make certain that my child is equipped properly for each class as defined by the tutor of that class. This includes buying all the required texts.
8. I understand that when I enroll my child, I am entering into a legal contract to pay for the full year regardless of whether or not my child is in attendance.
9. I understand that the monthly payment is due on the 1st of the month. If payment is not received by the 1st of the month, the child will not be permitted into class unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher.
10. I understand that the Parent-Teacher Co-op is not an umbrella program, nor do they keep grades or issue a report card. All record keeping are parent’s responsibility.
11. I understand that my child is subject to dismissal for the following reasons: a. Incomplete homework assignments. b. Continual display of disrespect for tutor or peers. c. Non-payment of fees as scheduled. d. Inappropriate dress, appearance, or behavior. e. Behavior including lifestyle in direct conflict with our Student Guidelines & Statement of Faith.
12. I understand that I need to have my child dressed appropriately according to the dress code outlined. Otherwise, they will need to change or leave the premises and an infraction notice will be sent home.
13. I understand that I should plan to visit my student’s classes a minimum of once each semester.
14. I understand that my child will be taught biblical principles according to the Statement of Faith.
15. I agree that if I have a concern, I will go immediately to the tutor to discuss this and allow the tutor time to correct the situation
16. I agree to work at the Parent-Teacher Co-op at the assigned volunteer times and will find my own replacement if a certain time/date does not work. If I have not fulfilled my volunteer times by the end of the school year, I’m responsible to pay $50 per missed time.
17. I am responsible for any broken or damage to property or building caused by my child.
18. I will keep sick children home.
I understand that my child will be called by their parent given name and only by prounoun of their biological sex and gender.
20. I will instruct my children to wash hands often.